Call Center
MHHC Warranty and Services, Inc call center and new Network Operation Center (NOC) is focused on providing the very best call center service for your business.
A missed call can mean a lost sale, disappointed customers, or missed opportunity. We offer a complete range of call center services, from order taking, and help desk, to technical support, dispatching, and specialized customer service that will boost your business and increase your profits. Our expert operators ensure you are never out of touch with your client.
Order Taking
Help Desk
Technical Support
Customer Service
Our one-call center is located in the heart of technology in Olympia, Washington. The center is set up and staffed by United States citizens, and as there are a number of colleges and universities within minutes of the center, our staff resources are abundant.
MHHC Warranty and Services, Inc's knowledge and evaluation of the technology industry allow us to offer services that reduce and avoid help desk calls. By creating proper phone prompts and providing our technology experts with a knowledge base and network of information greater than most call centers, we can solve the problem at hand and establish customer satisfaction with one call.
This eliminates repeat phone calls from the same customer regarding the same issue. Call avoidance is achieved through the early identification of patterns in phone call volume that identify misconfigurations and reveal faults that can be corrected by the manufacturer or supplier. This reduces the number of phone calls. Call reduction and call avoidance, while cutting costs for the manufacturer, ultimately creates higher customer satisfaction by eliminating any problem which might have been left undetected without Trend Tracking and other services provided by MHHC Warranty and Services, Inc.
We can set up your help desk solution in less than 1 day! Do you need your help desk up and running in a matter of hours? WE CAN DO IT! We can support projects from 25 to 15,000 calls per day.
We can set up your help desk solution in less than 1 day!
We support programs like:
PC Technical Support Help Desk
Internet Service Provider Support
Chat Service Support
International Language Support
Customer Service Call Center Support
Order Processing & Dispatching
Claims Processing and Adjudication
Service Follow-up and Service Polling
Escalation Management & Dispute Resolutions
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